Our Waldorf Homeschool

Childhood is a precious time. As parents, we all dream of the perfect place where our little ones can thrive. A place where they can be seen and heard. A place where they can grow. At Wildflowers, children get to be children. We explore, we imagine, we create, we laugh. The children are nurtured in their wonder of the world around them. We guide them to have respect for the Earth and the life she sustains. We work with the cycles and patterns in which the world is organized, and this awareness leads to a profound understanding of life and the responsibility that comes with being human.

Wildflowers Homeschool
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About us

My name is Ms Yelena. Welcome to our virtual flower patch! The Wildflowers story began in 2016 when I had to say goodbye to my beloved class at Ashland's renowned Waldorf school, The Siskiyou School, because I was expecting a baby! After taking a year to be with my little one, I realized that going back to teaching full-time was not an option for me. So I started a small part-time program in my Ashland home.

Wildflowers serves grades 1-8. We teach one grade per year and move up the grades together with the same class. Our maximum class size is 8 students. At the center of our curriculum are stories. The early years are filled with fairy tales, folktales and magic as we begin our journey towards literacy. As the children grow, we introduce mythology from many cultures, history, sociology, botany, physics, geology, and other complex subjects. Concepts are explored in many ways, through observation of the natural world, hands-on experiences, projects, literature, art, and music. Teaching in this holistic way means that the children love school. At Wildflowers we engage the intellect, heart, and hands. We foster a thirst for knowledge, a clear sense of morality, life skills, and creative thinking, providing the children with the tools they'll need to pursue their dreams.

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Our methods

I started with a vision of a school that offers a complete academic and arts curriculum, yet gives the children room to breathe. Children need unstructured time to assimilate and explore. The Wildflowers week is 3 days. We engage in Language Arts, Math, Spanish, Music, Guitar, Dance, Drawing, Painting, Clay, Handwork, Games, Theatre, Crafts, and our signature monthly Wilderness Adventures.

The world is an infinitely interesting and beautiful place where much healing is needed. Our work here is to seek a deeper understanding of things and learn how we can do our part to bring good to the world. Social education is a big part of our work as we learn what it means to be a good person and treat others with kindness and respect. We hold talking circles to resolve conflict when it arises - to listen and to appreciate each other.

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Ms Yelena's story

I am a certified Waldorf teacher and have taught at Waldorf schools worldwide since 2009. My first class ever was a first grade at a small Waldorf initiative in Guatemala. I am originally from Latvia and grew up in many parts of the world. I am fluent in three languages. I received my BA in Communication at UCSD and completed my Waldorf Certification training at WISC in San Diego, California. I have traveled extensively throughout my life. I have visited and lived in many countries and learned about people, their cultures and values. I am a trained dancer, writer, musician, and artist. I love to create and I pour everything I've gathered into my teaching every day.

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Parent Testimonials

We can learn everywhere, all the time. The world is full of things to teach us, if we only look around us and pause to listen.

I am passionate about sharing my love for the world and its people with my students. For me, true education is lighting a flame within each child - grounded in truth, justice, integrity, and kindness. I strive to inspire in the children a love for the Earth and solidarity with fellow human beings all over the planet. There is always more to know and so much work to do.

-Ms Yelena

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